CROWN Chakra - Balancing  | A balanced crown chakra brings you great gifts - a magnetic personality, the capacity to perform what other may see as "miracles", transcendence and the sense of being at peace with who you are.
A balanced CROWN Chakra connects you with message from higher realms. Can be experienced as a pressure on the top of the head. Miracle worker, can transcend the laws of nature, total access to the unconscious and the subconscious. Playfulness You're able to question, spiritually connected have wisdom and mastery and a broad understanding You'll be intelligent, thoughtful, aware, open minded You'll have the ability to perceive, analyze and assimilate information You canaccess to the subconscious and the unconscious meditation spiritual discipline learning and study guided visualization develop inner witness work with higher power peaceful and quiet surroundings helps. reestablish spirit connection (deficiency) Reestablish physical & emotional connection (excess) psychotherapy; examine belief system | | |