CHAKRA ENERGY CHANNELS ARE CALLED NADIS  THE NADIS The word NADI comes from the Sanskrit root nad meaning "channel", "stream", or "flow". Your body contains over 72,000 of these thin electrical channels (nadis) of energy transmitting life-force energy known as PRANA. The nadis connect at special points of intensity called CHAKRAS. MAJOR NADIS Your three major energy channels or NADIS are known as the Sushumna, Ida & Pingala. They ensure a healthy flow of prana energy through the chakra system. Sushumna: The Medullar Sushumna is the most vital nadi which runs vertically through the spinal cord connecting all seven major chakra points. This is the energy conduit through which Kundalini travels.  Ida is the the lunar Serpentine. female, introverted, lunar & negative polarity spirals up from the left of the root chakra winds around the Sushumna up to the left half of the brain associated with the colour white, the prana or rising vital breath and semen. Pingala is the solar Serpentine. male, extroverted (Active), solar and positive polarity spirals up from the right of the root chakra winding it's way around the Sushumna up to the right half of the brain. associated with the colour red, blood & the ovum. STIMULATING THE NADIS Your Ida and Pingala nadis may be stimulated through different practices to awaken kundalini energy. Pranayama involves alternate breathing through left and right nostrils, which would alternately stimulate respectively the left and right sides of the brain. HOME | HEALING | PRODUCTS